The Charities We Support & Why
How Your Support Helps
Each year at the Snowball, our generous guests bring unwrapped new toys for disadvantaged children and these are stacked on top of the sleigh during the evening. These toys are then delivered to various local charities who give these toys as wrapped presents to appropriate children in their care over Christmas. For many years the NSPCC has been the distributor of these toys around the Yorkshire area, but more recently Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm and Knareborough Rotary Club were delighted to receive them. Here is a link which shows the appreciation from Jenny, head of fundraising at Leeds Children’s Charity.
The other charities who have been supported by the Snowball over the more recent years include:
Children's Cancer Care at St. James Hospital, Leeds
Leeds General Infirmary Children's Outpatients Department
A Word From The Charities We've Worked With
Melanie Bruzzese, Chair of Throstle Nest RDA was delighted with the donation from The Snowball and she highlights just a few of of the benefits in her letter here
Another letter from the Chair of Trustees at Follifoot Park Disabled Riders Group expressing appreciation for our donation earlier this year. See letter here